buford highway ART
““Write with your eyes like painters, with your ears like musicians, with your feet like dancers. You are the truthsayer with quill and torch. Write with your tongues of fire. Don’t let the pen banish you from yourself.”
Art goes beyond action. Art is a universal language and can provoke a sensation that transcends all borders, misunderstandings, and tensions. We believe that art and culture go hand in hand, and at Buford Highway, preserving art is preserving the multicultural identity that makes this community so special. Our programs celebrate and encourage all forms of art (paintings, murals, music, and dance) from all cultures of the world. These initiatives help us raise awareness on the issues, the hopes, and the ambition of Buford Highway residents and immigrant voices of Atlanta.
Click on any of the buttons below to learn more about We Love BuHi programs that celebrate the ART and CULTURE.